A marriage can go through many stages as it evolves. It is a dynamic process that offers many changes and challenges. There is the courtship stage, where two people discover they have strong feelings for one another. Then there is the decision to make a marital...
Year: 2015
What are some avenues toward adoption?
If you know in your heart that you want to share your life with an adoptive child, then you should have the opportunity to follow that instinct. After all, adoption is intended as a mutually beneficial act. Every child should have a home and loving parents. Parents...
Prenup are beneficial in a variety of situations
An impending wedding can give couples a sense of both excitement and apprehension. Of course, if both parties believe that they are meant to be together, the positive, hopeful feelings far outweigh any doubts. Still, there is reason to exercise caution while moving...
What are some signs you may be headed toward divorce?
Relationships are rarely static. Things can happen over time that alter the feelings people have for one another. If a married couple reaches a point where they are no longer happy together, it might be time to consider a split. Often, spouses are hesitant about...
Parents may need to adjust custody agreement when school starts
Fall is back to school time, and this means both parents and children will be making schedule adjustments. The shift in gears from summer vacation to fall education can lead to considerable changes for divorced parents. When parents are sharing custody of their...
Discovery documents help clarify asset division
Once a married couple decides to divorce, they have quite a bit of work in front of them to complete the process. One of the most important aspects of a divorce is the division of assets and property. This phase of the process can also become very contentious if the...
Adoptive parents can help turn around the life of a child
A family can play an immeasurably important role in a child's growth and development. Beyond the necessities of clothing, food and shelter, families can provide a child with a sense of belonging and of being loved. But sadly, not all children are blessed with a family...
How might a couple broach the subject of a prenuptial agreement?
Once married, couples will often make important decisions together. Therefore, it stands to reason that when entering a marriage, both parties should have a hand in making plans for what lies ahead. One shared responsibility could be thinking of things to include in a...
Women express how divorce changed their lives for the better
If spouses realize that they are no longer able or willing to keep a marriage together, it can be better for all involved if they divorce. But all too often, divorcees are left with feelings of guilt that they were unable to keep their marriages together. But when...
Key factors used to determine custody for a child under three
Sometimes spouses find themselves unable to reconcile their differences and decide that a parting of the ways is the best available option. While getting a divorce can help people move on with their lives, there are usually important issues that must be worked out. If...