If you are going to have a prenuptial agreement drawn up before you get married, you need to learn about some of the things that might invalidate it. An invalidated prenuptial agreement means that you don't have the protections that you thought you would.One of the...
Prenuptial Agreement
Marital agreements offer protection to both spouses
Becoming engaged to the love of your life is a big step in your relationship. It is also the start of wedding planning. While you might be focused on choosing a venue, colors and other aspects of the wedding, don't forget that now is the best time to protect your...
Consider these 5 points about prenuptial agreements
Before you walk down the aisle, you need to determine whether a prenuptial agreement can benefit you or not. While you might think that the answer is that it can't, you might be shocked to learn that you can reap great benefits even if you don't have considerable...
A prenup can help to strengthen your upcoming marriage
Prenuptial agreements are something that many engaged couples might not have thought about. Some people still associate these documents only with wealthy individuals. This isn't the case. Anyone can enjoy the benefits of a prenuptial agreement regardless of their...
Reasons why prenups are on the rise
It's no secret that young people these days are more open to prenuptial agreements than previous generations have been. They use them more often, and even those who do not use them still say that they agree with the fundamental idea in many cases. Prenups are accepted...
Premarital agreements must be handled properly
Prenuptial agreements are important documents for many engaged couples. Not only do these help to protect both parties in the event of a divorce, they also help to set the stage for the finances during the marriage. Before you start drafting the agreement, there are...
Prenuptial agreements can help every engaged couple
Before you get married, you should consider signing a prenuptial agreement with your future spouse. It is easy to assume that because you don't have a lot of assets right now that you don't need one. In a nutshell, you might need to consider a prenup, no matter what...
What’s the best way to ask for a prenuptial agreement?
Deep down inside, you know you want to ask your fiancé for a prenuptial agreement. Just the same, you have some concerns about bringing your feelings to light.Asking for a prenuptial agreement is easier said than done, as you don't want to do anything to upset...
A prenuptial agreement is a great way to kick of an engagement
One of the first things that you will hear when you announce your engagement is a chorus of people telling you congratulations. What you might not hear is a warning about protecting yourself in case of a divorce. This is because many people think that bringing up the...
A prenuptial agreement doesn’t mean your marriage is doomed
A prenuptial agreement is often thought of as something that means you think your marriage is doomed before it even begins. This simply isn't the case. Instead, a prenuptial agreement is a long-term plan that you hope you don't ever have to use. This is much like a...