If you believe you will be filing or signing divorce papers in the not-too-distant future, you may be experiencing a sense of apprehension. After all, marriage is as much a legal relationship as it is a personal one. If your finances are commingled with your spouse's,...
Month: January 2016
Fathers may need help getting fair custody terms
Most married couples will exhaust all other possibilities prior to taking the divorce route. And the fact is, while a divorce is sometimes a necessary and beneficial move, it can also become extremely stressful and even contentious. This can be especially true if the...
What can spouses do to protect their personal interests?
When couples are approaching their wedding day, they may not be thinking about the long-term implications of the step they are about to take. After all, a wedding is the romantic culmination of a happy courtship, while marriage is a legally binding contract. Couples...
Adoption involves a vast array of considerations
The decision to adopt a child requires a great deal of contemplation. Giving a home to a child in need is a tremendous responsibility, but it can offer tremendous rewards. As such, before you make your final decision, you will have a variety of important factors to...
Is it OK to discuss my divorce online?
When going through a divorce, it is easy to let your emotions get the better of you. And it is normal and healthy to want to reach out to others for support and advice. Prior to the rise of social media, people typically communicated directly, but now we can share our...