No couple planning a marriage really wants to consider the option of divorce but the reality for such a situation does exist. Having a solid prenuptial agreement in place can help make a divorce that may happen potentially less complicated than if no such agreement...
Month: November 2013
National Adoption Month highlights international adoption challenges
Many Houston couples, like others around the nation, have looked to adoption as a means to becoming parents. Whether domestic or international, adoption offers opportunities to adoptive parents and families and adoptees alike. Some people choose to adopt a child even...
Options to reduce the pain of the divorce process
Most people in Houston know someone that has gone through a divorce at some point. As they will report, the process can be tumultuous and difficult for all involved. The need to identify agreements on a myriad of topics from property division to child support and more...
Geographical trends in divorce noted
Divorces are influenced by many factors and can never truly be narrowed down to one simple indicator. Even in the case of an extra-marital affair, other problems would have been at play prior to the affair itself. Any Houston couple that has gone through a divorce...
Not all divorces need to be exorbitantly expensive
Houston couples who have been through a divorce know how easily the costs can spiral out of control. In addition to what may be lost in a divorce settlement, the out-of-pocket expenses can be more than some people are able to pay. In some situations, the fear of an...
Father granted sole custody of toddler when mother moved away
Issues surrounding custody of children during a divorce can be some of the most difficult for Houston parents to work through. The loss of time with their children is never easy and courts work to find agreements for child custody that are in the best interest of the...
Property division and protection fuels rise in prenuptial agreements
The thought of getting divorced in the midst of planning a wedding can seem to be a bit of an oxymoron and may not be the most emotionally palatable thing for couples to consider. However, Houston couples, like many around the nation, can still benefit from a...
Divorce experts can make the process simpler
The process of getting divorced can be extremely complex and affects every part of a person’s life. Houston couples who experience divorce must work to resolve often differing opinions regarding child custody, living arrangements, division of property and many...