With the summer months right around the corner, now is the time to think about child care if you already haven't. For parents who don't have their kids during the school year, this might be a challenging time. In the case of long-distance parenting, you might have to...
Year: 2019
Dealing with unexpected emotions during divorce
A divorce is a very emotional episode in your life. Many people think that this means that they will only feel sad and angry. This isn't necessarily the case. The feelings that you have during a divorce can be varied, so you should be prepared to deal with a host of...
Divorce can devastate adopted children
Many people bring a child into their home through divorce. This is a lifelong commitment to help raise that child and help them become productive adults. You should remember that this continues even if you and your spouse decide that you are going to divorce....
Factors that can render your prenuptial agreement invalid
If you are going to have a prenuptial agreement drawn up before you get married, you need to learn about some of the things that might invalidate it. An invalidated prenuptial agreement means that you don't have the protections that you thought you would.One of the...
Working as a parenting team sets a good standard for the kids
Parents who are able to work as a team will likely see that their children are adjusting well to the divorce. The co-parenting method is one that works well in these circumstances because the divorced parents remain a team when it comes to the children. This often...
Tips for announcing your divorce to others
When your marriage ends, one unpleasant things that you will have to do is inform others about the pending divorce. The announcement might come as a tough conversation, but it isn't something that can usually be avoided.Depending on your relationship with the people...
Ensure you are comfortable with the adoption terms
One of the things that you have to think about when you are planning on adopting a child is the type of adoption you want to have. There are two primary forms – the open and the closed. In the past, the vast majority of adoptions were closed so that the birth...
Your child must feel at home at your house
If you move out of the marital home when you divorce, you might find that your children are having trouble adjusting to life at your home. There are some ways that you might be able to help them feel more at home there. It will take time, especially since they aren't...
3 areas of focus for your divorce strategy
When you are going through a divorce, there are three primary areas that might need to be addressed. Some divorces might have all of these, and others may have one or two. No matter what, it is a good idea to look into them so that you know what to expect. We are here...
Marital agreements offer protection to both spouses
Becoming engaged to the love of your life is a big step in your relationship. It is also the start of wedding planning. While you might be focused on choosing a venue, colors and other aspects of the wedding, don't forget that now is the best time to protect your...