For people in Houston and around the country, the ability to adopt a child may be the only or best way to becoming parents. Any adoption can carry with it a unique set of challenges and should always be focused on the best interests of the child. Adoption issues can range from foreign laws for an international adoption to concerns about a biological parent wishing to retain communication with either a child or an adoptive parent and more.
For some couples, additional factors such as sexual preference can present challenges. With public opinion voicing a variety of thoughts, a recent media article reported on Pope Francis’ comments suggesting that the world give credence to the validity of gays as parents. Francis has been making headlines worldwide as the first-ever Catholic Pope to appear in favor of, or at least not critical of, gay and lesbian people.
The article did not suggest, and likely could not suggest, whether or not the Pope’s statements may have any impact on domestic laws at either a federal or state level. However, with the leader of the Catholic Church clearly directing people to focus on one’s relationship to God instead of to a sexual preference or lifestyle, the change in tone from Rome is notable indeed.
For gay and lesbian couples wishing to secure custody of a child via an adoption, Pope Francis’ comments may provide some hope that the path may be easier in some way eventually. Still, the need for proper legal counsel can be important and talking with an attorney may be helpful as well.
Source: Huffington Post, “Pope Francis Calls For Catholic Church Re-Think On Gay Parents,” January 4, 2014