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Harris County organizations receive funds to support adoption

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2013 | Uncategorized

November is national adoption month and any Houston family who has been touched by adoption understands the importance and richness of this experience. In our society today, adoption can take many forms including stepparent adoption, domestic adoption, international adoption and more. There can be many adoption issues involved in any type of case with the circumstances being unique in each.

A recent news article reported on a program initiated by the state of Texas in 2011 to help raise funds to support adoptions. The Choose Life program offered license plates to automobile owners and a portion of the cost of the plates goes to a special fund that ultimately provides grants to different agencies. The state Attorney General recently announced the first wave of these grants statewide. In addition to the grants, some of the price paid for the special plates helps to support state highways and local counties.

Three of the receiving non-profits are in Harris County. The Community Pregnancy Center of Pasadena and the Foundation for Life will each receive $1,000 to be used for advertising and the production of printed materials respectively. Another $7,500 will go to the Houston Pregnancy Help Center to support staff training, advertising and materials designed to help pregnant mothers considering adoption. The program is one of the ways that the state of Texas is working to encourage more adoptions.

The legal and emotional nature of any adoption is one that requires great care. Families interested in pursuing adoption in whatever way may wish to obtain a professional legal consultation to learn the best options for them.

Source: Memorial Examiner, “Texas Attorney General announced grants to promote adoption,” November 18, 2013

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