August is a month of anticipation for school age kids. Whether they are looking forward to going to kidnergarten or they are finally seniors in high school, the next month is going to be full of transitions. With their lives changing, so must those of parents.
For parents of divorce in Texas (or those who are separated), it is helpful to be prepared for these changes. This means that they should be on the same page regarding responsibilities for school supplies, new clothes and parenting time schedules. Of course, this does not always happen, so this post will offer a few tips to help parents avoid conflicts.
Stay in the loop – This may seem obvious, but it is surprising how many parents are not included on email lists from their children’s teachers. Even if you are not the primary custodial parent, you are entitled to first-hand information about what’s going on at school.
Be keen on support – For those with court-ordered support obligations, requests for extra money for school supplies, sports leagues or uniforms are to be expected. Generally, basic child support in Texas does not include these expenses, but it may be worth your while to help with these.
Know your order – Most parenting time plans include changes that come about when kids go back to school. If the schedule needs to change because of changes in your child’s schedule, it should be reflected in the order.
If you have questions about how to implement them, an experienced family law attorney can help.
Source:, Back to School: Learning to share is not just for kids, August 1, 2013