When you choose to dedicate your life to a partnership with someone else, your hope is that the relationship will remain intact for the duration. Unfortunately, the circumstances of a marriage can change through time. Sometimes emotional distance develops gradually, due to a slow drifting apart. Other times a serious rift can occur because of some unforeseeable event or unforgivable trespass.
Regardless of the reasons, sometimes marriages end in divorce. When this happens, both parties will be moving on to new lives. For a spouse who has been a breadwinner throughout the relationship, this transition may not be as difficult. After all, if someone has spent the previous years in the workforce, then this can certainly continue. But what if you have sacrificed your career opportunities in the service of the marriage?
Take for example a woman who chooses to stay home in order to raise children and maintain a household. This selfless act can form the cornerstone of a family. But after years it could leave the woman without the requisite skills she may need when pursuing employment.
It is for this situation that alimony exists. In the majority of states, broad discretion is exercised by the courts regarding the awarding of alimony. The courts can also determine the amount to be paid as well as how long payments are to continue.
There are many factors that can come into play when resolving alimony issues. This article offers a more detailed summation of these factors.
Securing alimony can be extremely important for a spouse that has dedicated so much of their life to a marriage. But there are other aspects of a divorce that need attention as well, such as the division of property and any child care or custody issues.
If your marriage is coming to an end, you may wish to consider how to best protect your interests. A Texas family law attorney could act as your guide, adviser and representative through the process.