Texas couples that must face the end of a marriage understand the many different challenges to be faced during the process. Whether an uncontested divorce or one that goes all the way to a jury trial, the emotional toll can be great. Divorce legal issues commonly include property division, child support and child custody, spousal support and more.
One Lubbock divorce case, due to some very unique circumstances, had its original trial declared a mistrial by the judge. The father of the husband in the case is the currently on-leave city attorney for Lubbock and is the subject of sexual missteps involving his soon-to-be former daughter-in-law. A news article reported that the judge had requested any discussions of the allegations be kept out of the divorce courtroom when the trial began.
Despite the judge’s request, a witness gave testimony that indicated the couple’s 13-year old daughter said her mother had been sexually abused by city attorney, the girl’s grandfather. After determining that a fair trial would not be possible, the judge declared the mistrial despite the objections to such action by both lawyers. The judge then instructed the attorneys to seek a new trial date.
When a divorce involves people known in the community or other potentially controversial details, emotions can run high. The right legal help can give people in these cases some assistance on how to best pursue their divorce settlements. Anyone with concerns about unusual situations involving a divorce may wish to consult with an attorney prior to commencing action.
Source: LubbockOnline.com, “Mistrial declared in Medina divorce trial after reference to sex assault allegations,” Gabriel Monte, February 14, 2014