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Online sexual activity may impact custody in divorces

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2014 | Uncategorized

The world of family law encompasses a great many topics including adoption, paternity, divorce, child custody and support, spousal support, property division and more. Houston residents face these family law issues just as do their counterparts around the nation. Our changing world also affects these areas and makes it necessary to stay ever aware of emerging trends and situations which can affect family life.

One topic that is a newly emerging factor in some divorce cases was recently the subject of a current media article. The concept of online sex or other virtual affairs was discussed in terms of the impact it may have on a divorce case. While cybersex does not qualify as full-fledged infidelity, the author does indicate that some courts have looked at such activity as a means of identifying whether or not a particular parent has acted appropriately.

These situations can ultimately impact decisions around custody of minor children as part of an overall divorce settlement. Understanding that custody arrangements and parenting time also affect the stipulated payouts for any child support makes it clear that this topic can also affect the pocketbook of those involved. Clearly, the need for care in this area is great.

If you are in a divorce or considering a divorce and believe that such issues may affect your situation, it could be important for you to talk to a family law attorney about the specifics. Understanding your rights and the laws can help you to more easily navigate a potentially challenging situation.

Source: Huffington Post, “Is Cybersex Grounds for Divorce?,” Andrew Feldstein, January 8, 2014

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