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State helps counties find parents who owe back child support

On Behalf of | Dec 10, 2013 | Uncategorized

The many facets of a divorce are never easy at the time of the divorce let alone down the road. In cases that require one party to pay the other spousal support, child support or both, the financial ties that can span multiple years can be challenging to navigate. For some people, payments are simply made on time as ordered and the process can work with no glitches. For other Texas residents, however, the ability to collect their due child support payments can be difficult if the spouse ordered to pay does not do so.

An article in the media highlighted an effort called Endeavor Nighthawk that found and arrested 152 people in five different Texas counties for failure to pay child support. The operation was a joint effort among the sheriff departments in Cameron, Starr, Willay, Hildago and Webb Counties with assistance from the Attorney General’s Child Welfare Division. Over the course of five days, authorities located and placed under arrest people in all five counties. Hildago County saw the most number of arrests with 74 in all.

Each of the arrested parents may face a jail sentence of up to six months and a cash bond. Any bond money paid is to be given to the parent or representative to whom the back child support is owed. In addition, the Child Support Division of the Texas Attorney General’s office urges anyone else who may owe child support but has challenges paying to contact them for assistance.

Family legal issues do not necessarily end once a divorce is final. This can make it important for people to have a trusted attorney to help them. If you are getting divorced or maybe are divorced and still in need of help, you may consider getting good legal advice.

Source: KVEO News Center 23, “Local authorities conduct child support warrant roundup resulting in 152 arrests,” November 25, 2013

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