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When is a prenup helpful?

On Behalf of | Apr 5, 2013 | Uncategorized

People are sharply divided over whether written agreements are necessary in romantic relationships. Prenuptial agreements are perhaps the most debated. Whether you believe they are very un-romantic, or set clear expectations for the relationship, there are many types of people whose actions suggest that a prenup would be a good idea.

Through this post we will attempt not to make value statements, but we will identify these personalities and why a prenup would be helpful.

The guy who is still in love with his ex – He insists that he is completely over his ex wife (or girlfriend) and has even bought you a ring to prove it. However, he still talks about her and compares you to her, even if he raves about how so much better he is with you. A prenuptial agreement may be helpful to create an orderly resolution of a divorce if he goes back to her.

The girl who is afraid of commitment – This woman revels in her independence and does not like men telling her what to do. But when decisions must be made jointly (and you disagree) and she falls back on how men in her failed relationships made bad decisions that doomed her, this could be a red flag. A prenup could help avoid these conflicts.

The guy/girl looking for the best “deal” – These women and men have been in long term relationships but always have an excuse for not being ready to tie the knot. It may be that you may not have enough money, may not be sensitive enough or their in-laws don’t like you. Regardless, the person does not want to marry you, but does not want to be alone either. In these situations, a prenup will help to stem the legal battle over marital property in the event of a divorce.

For more information about prenuptial agreements, contact an experienced family law attorney.

Source: HuffingtonPost.com, 10 types of men who won’t marry you, March 18, 2013

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