While we pride ourselves on providing useful information about how to prepare for divorce, it is also important to prepare for life after the decree is finalized. Indeed there are unexpected emotions and feelings and emotions that may arise. Also you may have to deal with unpopular views, rumors and judgments as you enter a new life. Nevertheless, having the capacity to endure (and learn) from these issues is critical.
To that end, this post will include some helpful tips to prepare for post-divorce life.
Let the anger go – Seeing your ex with his (or her) new love may burn you up, but you simply cannot heal by living in the past. Anger prevents you from moving on and enjoying life. Because of this, it is important to let the anger go. It’s not easy, but it’s essential.
Avoid replaying the past – It is natural for divorcees to wonder what would have been if things were different. They wonder what would have been different if they would have tried harder, or if their spouse would have given a damn.
Don’t worry about being judged – There will always be people who believe that the divorce is all your fault, and that you are a horrible person for leaving the marriage. But it’s your life, and you have to live it for you, not anyone else. As such, don’t let judgment sway you.
Love comes in many forms – Many who are newly divorced may feel alone because they don’t have a romantic partner in their lives. It is important not to forget that true love (i.e. mutual respect, trust and communication) doesn’t exclusively come from a spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend. Good friends and family members can love this way too.
Source: HuffingtonPost.com, 14 Divorce lessons every divorcee should know, March 29, 2013